What Do You See?
One of my grandest life-changing moments was when Jesus answered the burning question in my heart: Who am I to You Father and who are YOU to me?
One of my grandest life-changing moments was when Jesus answered the burning question in my heart: Who am I to You Father and who are YOU to me?
Life seems to go in cycles. Sometimes I experience seasons of calm, and find balance easily. Everything seems to be in order and the world makes sense to me. It seems easy to release control in those seasons and give 2 cent advice to someone else about the “Lord being my Strength”. But then there
Drowning in the Day Read More »
Perfectionism, the nagging voice that whispered I was not enough, that exhausted me and left me with only the desire to hide… until…
Cracking Perfectionism Read More »
BIRTH OF AN ICE QUEEN Sharing a piece of the story about how my icy heart melted is what I would like to do. You see, I have lived a life of overcoming the many things that were set against me, from the very moment that I was conceived. My story begins from the moment
How My Icy Heart Melted Read More »
For those of us who may have lost loved ones or have never experienced a Christmas with loving family, it can trigger traumas from the past and we can find ourselves emotionally distressed. Let us all be encouraged that we serve a God who sees all of it!
I don’t know if you’ve ever felt used by God, by his church, or by other people, but if you have, I would like to invite you to surrender the need to be used for the opportunity to be cherished. It is far better on this side of freedom.
Becoming the Beloved Read More »
What you watch on TV is not reality… it isn’t real life or even true… everything is scripted, edited and produced to show you just what the producers and the money behind each want you to see.
The Matrix Meets the Truman Show Read More »
This life is unfair. Our lives, our destinies, our purposes are portioned differently. But different does not mean less significant, and we are all called to steward what He has given us in His wisdom.
Mommas know that you are shaping and raising a child of God even when your days are tough and you don’t feel equipped or prepared.
Momma you’re making Diamonds Read More »
Miriam shares how she escaped from all the rules and bondages of religion into a relationship of love with God
Love is here for you Read More »