Dangling Carrots: Exposing The Seduction & Deception of Counterfeits

We will explore some of the most common ways that believers get drawn in to counterfeits through the dangling of false promises. We will engage the effects of agreeing with and participating with counterfeit structures, systems religions, secret societies, clubs, memberships, practices, exercises, mindsets, intimacies and relationships. We will specifically addre

Course Information

Course Instructor

Pam VandenBulck Pam VandenBulck Author

Pam is a first and foremost a laid down lover who lives to honor her King Jesus. She is a formidable Freedom Coach who uses her expertise and gifting to facilitate accelerated breakthrough and transformation. She is a Certified Christian Master Life Coach, Life Languages Communication Coach, Certified AG Proficient Coach, Level Three AGPC (with the AG Coaching Task Force), and a certified John Maxwell speaker, coach, and trainer. Pam also has extensive leadership training through the Tony Robbins Mastery University and Klemmer & Associates Advanced Leadership Training Programs. Besides this she has spent hundreds of hours being mentored and trained in biblical studies, healing certification courses, including SOZO, Christian Healing Ministry and Order of Saint Luke the Physician trained. Pam is qualified as a Master Level Coach, having established well over 10,000 coaching hours.

Dangling Carrots