Crew 2, Way of a Sempitir

Oaks Rising Coach Journey – The Way of a Sempitir

Coach Journey — the Way of a Sempitir — Crew 2

Introducing the Oaks Rising Coach Journey – The Way of a Sempitir. This is an amazing way to personally experience greater Freedom and help others dive into Freedom themselves while being mentored as a Freedom Fighter!

  • Activations
  • Calendar, Encounter & Event Information

    Quest 1, Week 1: Welcome, Community, Upstairs Mindset

     Quest 1, Week 2:  Community and the Life Languages 

    Quest 1, Week 3: Community and Kinetic Mover

    Quest 1, Week 4: Time to PROCESS

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 1, Week 5: PRACTICUM

    Has Quiz

    Quest 2. Week 6: Community, Emotions and Doer Kinetic Language

    Quest 2, Week 7: Emotions and Emotive Influencer 

    Quest 2, Week 8: Community and Emotive Responder

    Quest 2, Week 9: Time To PROCESS

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 2, Week 10: PRACTICUM

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 3, Week 11: Cognitive Shaper and Producer

    Quest 3, Week 12: Cognitive Producer and Contemplator 

    Quest 3, Week 13 – 15: Winter Holiday

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quests 2 and 3, PRACTICUM

    Has Quiz

    “Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn”  SYWSYL

    Quest 4, Week 16: EQ, Healthy Boundaries and Healthy Relationships

    Quest 4, Week 17: Mastering Mindsets: Intro and Heart of Coaching 

    Quest 4, Week 18: Mastering Mindsets Listening Skills 

    Quest 4, Week 19: PROCESS WEEK

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 4, Week 20: LIVE PRACTICUM in DESTIN, FL

    Has Quiz

    Quest 5, Week 21: Mastering Mindsets Identifying Voices

    Quest 5, Week 22 Mastering Mindsets Values, Fact/Meaning

    Quest 5, Week 23: Mastering Mindsets Powerful Questions & Funnel

    Quest 5, Week 24: PROCESS WEEK

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 5, Week 25: PRACTICUM WEEK

    Has Quiz

    Quest 6, Week 26: Mastering Mindsets Neuroplasticity and Big Questions

    Quest 6, Week 27: Mastering Mindsets Growth, Coaching Conversations

    Quest 6, Week 28: Mastering Mindsets Shifts and Action Steps

    Quest 6, Week 29: PROCESS WEEK

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 6, Week 30: PRACTICUM WEEK

    Has Quiz

    Quest 7, Week 31: Sempiternal Way, Authority  & 5 Keys to Freedom

    Quest 7, Week 32: Authority & 5 Keys to Freedom

    Quest 7, Week 33: Authority & 5 Keys to Freedom

    Quest 7, Week 34: PROCESS WEEK

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 7, Week 35: PRACTICUM WEEK 

    Has Quiz

    Quest 8, Week 36: Forgiveness and the 5 Keys To Freedom

    Quest 8, Week 37: Repentance and the 5 Keys To Freedom

    Quest 8, Week 38: Exchange & Seal and the 5 Keys To Freedom

    Quest 8, Week 39: Process Week 

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 8, Week 40: Practicum Week

    Summer Break, Weeks 41 – 44

    Quest 9, Week 45: Rewrite Your Story Coach Training Part 1

    Quest 9, Week 46: Rewrite Your Story Coach Training Part 2 

    Quest 9, Week 47: Rewrite Your Story Coach Training Part 3

    Quest 9, Week 48: Process Week

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 9, Week 49: Practicum Week

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 10, Week 50: Rewrite Your Story Coach Training Part 3 -5

    Quest 10, Week 51: Rewrite Your Story Coach Training Part 5 – 7

    Quest 10, Week 52: Rewrite Your Story Coach Training Part  8

    Quest 10, Process Week 53

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 10, Practicum Week 54: RYS with Circle Groups

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 11, Week 55: Sempiternal Way, Maturity Lane 

    Quest 11, Week 56: Sempiternal Way, Maturity Lane and Introducing “Foundations” 

    Quest 11, Week 57: Foundations, Position, Posture, Process 

    Quest 11, Week 58: Process Week

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 11, Week 59: Practicum Week

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 12, Week 60: Foundations, The Heart of Freedom

    Quest 12, Week 61: Foundations, Power of Authentic

    Quest 12: Week 62: Thanksgiving Break

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 13, Wk 63: SEATED Sempiternally

    Quest 13, Wk 64: SEATED Sempiternally 

    Winter Break: December 14 – January 12

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 14: Week 65: Foundations, Inside a Freedom Session

    Quest 14: Week 66: Foundations, Timelines & Trauma

    Quest 14, Wk 67: Foundations, Inside a Session, Deconstruction

    Quest 14, Wk 68: Process Week

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 14, Wk 69: Practicum Week

    Quest 15, Wk 70: Deconstruction, Renunciations

    Quest 15, Wk 71: Destiny & Foundations

    Quest  15, Wk 72:  Destiny and Wrap of of Foundations, Covenants, Loops and Lies 

    Quest 15, Wk 73: Process Week 

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 15, Wk 74: Practicum Week

    This section does not have any lessons.

    Quest 16, Wk 75: Destiny and Introducing Gates & Glory

    Quest 16, Wk 76: Gates & Glory

    Quest 16, Wk 77: Gates & Glory