You will be equipped to lead people into being anchored to their Kingdom identity and walk in their God given destiny scroll. Learn how to navigate through the complexities within the system of spirit, soul and body to untangle from counterfeits in family generational bloodlines.
“And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (God’s people),”
What you can expect to learn
The Core Freedom Coach training will equip you with confidence to facilitate a proactive, thorough Core Freedom Session to access the timeline and get to the taproot of generational bloodline sin & iniquity that keeps people stuck, bound and living from their past and their ancestors previous sin patterns. Learn how to live as a spirit being wrapping the soul and body with its original true Kingdom destiny scroll.

Course topics
- Supporting the Core Personality to arise and operate from Authority
- Conducting a Complete Core Freedom Session
- Restoring a Wounded Soul from Trauma & Tragedy
- Authority & Strategic Spiritual handling of ground Seated from Rest
- Conception to Birth Healing Freedom Prayer
- Breaking ungodly webs of Bondage at Conception
- Accessing the Timeline to bring Freedom prior to Conception
- Bring Integration and Healing to the different Parts of the Soul
- Praying for PTSD, Hidden Memories and DID
- Legal Authority in the Courtroom of Heaven
- Integration of Fragmented Places in the Soul
- Creating a Safe House for all Parts to Access
- Restoring Identity & Living from Birthright & Inheritance
- Aligning to Kingdom Destiny Scroll and Accessing Blueprints
- Bringing Freedom and a Voice to the Flipside
There are 2 ways you can register for this course:
Register for the Course at the regular standalone price of $597 OR save 50% as a member of the Mentorship Journey
Course information
Pam VandenBulck
Date and time will be chosen together with those who register for the Spring 2022 LIVE zoom trainings.
Will be Available on Demand after Spring 2022 class is completed.
8 Online Zoom Training Classes, Mentoring, Peer Practice.
Course Outline:
The Core Freedom Coach Course Outline
Certification is awarded at a Live Encounter after successfully completing course requirements.
- Freedom Series – 5 Keys to Freedom
- Freedom Series – Rewrite Your Story
- Freedom Series – Mastering Mindsets
- Freedom Series – Gates & Glory
Registration Cost:
$597 standalone or 50% savings as part of the Mentorship Journey Membership.