By Pam VandenBulck / April 14, 2021 The Sempiternal Way PREVIEW : The Sempiternal Way – Sonship Journey You must enroll in this course to access course content. Resources: The Sempiternal Way Preview You must enroll in this course to access course content. The Treasures in the Legend Resources: The Treasures in the Legend You must enroll in this course to access course content. Overview You must enroll in this course to access course content. Rank You must enroll in this course to access course content. Compass You must enroll in this course to access course content. Gift You must enroll in this course to access course content. Resource You must enroll in this course to access course content. Upgrade You must enroll in this course to access course content. Key You must enroll in this course to access course content. Pearl You must enroll in this course to access course content. Nugget You must enroll in this course to access course content. Dye You must enroll in this course to access course content. Talent You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Majesty Resources: Majesty You must enroll in this course to access course content. Introduction, Majesty You must enroll in this course to access course content. Rank = Child You must enroll in this course to access course content. Compass = Citizenship You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A, Majesty You must enroll in this course to access course content. Gift = Salvation You must enroll in this course to access course content. Resource = Crown You must enroll in this course to access course content. Recap: The 4 Treasures We Have Encountered You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A 2, Majesty You must enroll in this course to access course content. Upgrade = Naive to Aware You must enroll in this course to access course content. Key = Control Vs Choice You must enroll in this course to access course content. Pearl = Faith You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A 3, Majesty You must enroll in this course to access course content. Nugget = Light You must enroll in this course to access course content. Dye = Gold You must enroll in this course to access course content. Talent = 180° Turn You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A 4, Majesty You must enroll in this course to access course content. Identity Resources: Identity You must enroll in this course to access course content. Rank = Sons & Daughters You must enroll in this course to access course content. Compass = Anchored You must enroll in this course to access course content. Gift = Spirit-Filled You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Resource = Fruit of the Spirit You must enroll in this course to access course content. Upgrade = Longing to Intimacy You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Key = Orphan Vs Sonship You must enroll in this course to access course content. Pearl = Love You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Nugget = Fire You must enroll in this course to access course content. Dye = Purple You must enroll in this course to access course content. Talent = Spirit Blessing You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Resources: Community You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Introduction You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Rank = Sisters & Brothers You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Upgrade = Hidden to Celebrate You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Compass = Planted You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Gift = Father God’s Design You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Resource = New Lens You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Key = Offended vs. Delighted You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Pearl = Courage You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Nugget = Bread You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Dye = Indigo You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Talent = Heart Listening You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Testimony: Madison You must enroll in this course to access course content. Community Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Authority Resources: Authority You must enroll in this course to access course content. Introduction: Authority You must enroll in this course to access course content. Rank = Warrior You must enroll in this course to access course content. Compass = Obedient You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A Authority You must enroll in this course to access course content. Gift = Peace You must enroll in this course to access course content. Resource = Armor You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A Authority You must enroll in this course to access course content. Upgrade = Chaos to Order You must enroll in this course to access course content. Key = Victim vs. Responsible You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A Authority You must enroll in this course to access course content. Pearl = Trust You must enroll in this course to access course content. Nugget = Blood You must enroll in this course to access course content. Dye = Red You must enroll in this course to access course content. Talent = Train Senses You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A Authority You must enroll in this course to access course content. Maturity Resources: Maturity You must enroll in this course to access course content. Rank = Bondservant You must enroll in this course to access course content. Compass = Teachable You must enroll in this course to access course content. Gift = Grace You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Resource = Ladder You must enroll in this course to access course content. Upgrade = Striving to Surrender You must enroll in this course to access course content. Key = Expert vs. Beginner You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Pearl = Humility You must enroll in this course to access course content. Nugget = Oil You must enroll in this course to access course content. Dye = Green You must enroll in this course to access course content. Talent = Powerful Questions You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A You must enroll in this course to access course content. Destiny Resources: Destiny You must enroll in this course to access course content. Make Way for Your Destiny – Treasure Quest Activation You must enroll in this course to access course content. Introduction: Destiny You must enroll in this course to access course content. Rank = Steward You must enroll in this course to access course content. Compass = Intentional You must enroll in this course to access course content. Gift = Holy Spirit Gifts You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A, Destiny You must enroll in this course to access course content. Resource = Destiny Scroll You must enroll in this course to access course content. Upgrade = Confusion to Clarity You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A, Destiny You must enroll in this course to access course content. Key = Scarcity vs. Abundance You must enroll in this course to access course content. Pearl = Generosity You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A, Destiny You must enroll in this course to access course content. Engaging the Sempiternal Counsel You must enroll in this course to access course content. Experience of Engaging the Sempiternal Counsel You must enroll in this course to access course content. Nugget = Water You must enroll in this course to access course content. Dye = Blue You must enroll in this course to access course content. Talent = Spirit-led decisions You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A, Destiny You must enroll in this course to access course content. Multiplicity Resources: Multiplicity You must enroll in this course to access course content. Introduction: Multiplicity You must enroll in this course to access course content. Rank = Ambassador You must enroll in this course to access course content. Compass = Sempiternal You must enroll in this course to access course content. Gift= 5 Fold Ministry You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A, Multiplicity You must enroll in this course to access course content. Resource = Banquet Table You must enroll in this course to access course content. Upgrade = Many to One You must enroll in this course to access course content. Key = Busy vs Rhythm You must enroll in this course to access course content. Q&A, Multiplicity You must enroll in this course to access course content. Pearl = Wisdom You must enroll in this course to access course content. Nugget = Salt You must enroll in this course to access course content. Dye = White You must enroll in this course to access course content. Talent = Crafted Testimony You must enroll in this course to access course content. Crafted Testimonies You must enroll in this course to access course content.