He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be His God and he will be my son.
Marietta Miller
How Jesus rewrote my story of terror and panic and is teaching me HOW to CHOOSE Love over fear IN THE MOMENT something happens.
Madison Lee
Join me as I talk about perfectionism and how Jesus came right into my story and showed how beautiful imperfection is.
Miriam Albert
How my view of God shifted from guilt to LOVE when I engaged with God ❤️
Marion Nisley
How God has rewritten my story through my own experience of digging up tree roots.
Megan Christner
How I went from striving to earn love to opening the door to Love!
Larisa Scott
Join me as I share my story of redemption in the restoration of relationships within my family.
Carolyn Nisley
I’m so happy to share how Jesus became my Provision, and how He multiplied and met my every need.
Jaime Alderman
Listen in as I share my testimony of how God has rewritten my story from orphan to daughter and redeemed my relationship with my children.
Pam & Steve VandenBulck
A time of wrapping up the 9 days of love with Steve VandenBulck, Pam VandenBulck, Madison Lee, Marion Nisley, Nicole Anonsen, Makenzie Angelo, Kristen Gross Drake, Eve Brinson, Cherie Flinn Clark and Laura CMusicflow .
Laura C
A time of wrapping up the 9 days of love with Laura CMusicflow.
Changing the Atmosphere
'Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love’s perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts. Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love’s perfection. Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us.”
Steve & Pam VandenBulck
Declaring & Releasing love
Download the powerful love declaration! Speak it out daily over your home, families, streets, city and all creation.❤️

Stories Rewritten
We invite you to open up the book of your life and bring every memory, moment and chapter of your life’s story to Heavenly Father. When you open up your life to His eyes you will begin an exploratory journey in relationship to discover the treasures that belong to you. Engage the mysteries and take back your original birthright and inheritance. Come Rewrite Your Story and align to your originally created seed of Identity. Reclaim your God designed Destiny and release from earth the sound and frequency of love back to Yahweh, from what He spoke over you when He originally breathed you into creation.
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